About Us
We are just a couple of "car guys" who love the classics, especially Corvettes. The compelling interest in one of the automotive world’s finest creations brought us to a wonderful concept. Why not help people with a hassle free way of selling their Corvette, while helping other Vette lovers find the car of their dreams. Not only is this a great way to be around the cars we love, but the people who own and want to own a Corvette are some of the most interesting people you’ll ever meet. What other group of car owners do you know that will extend a hand, while driving, just to acknowledge someone in the same make of car? Vette owners do it. It’s like a member’s only club with no dues other than the wonderful experience of owning a Corvette. We are here to supply a no hassle way for a seller to get the cash he needs in a timely manner. We strive to give the most reasonable price for your car with no effort from you. And we are at your service to help you find that elusive 67’ big block or that 92’ convertible you have dreamed about since you saw one parked at the local watering hole. Drop us a line and let us help you, while we get some enjoyment out of a true work of art with a fiberglass body and a ton of muscle.